Sunday, July 6, 2008

New stuff

Hey everyone. Lot's has happened since I updated last... I'm sure you all know about it so I won't go too indepth with it all...
Clint's wonderful Godmother Carey passed away last week from complications of colon cancer. She was a great woman who will be so sorely missed. The family is doing pretty good and I know in time they will be just fine.

My mother was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. She began chemo on Wednesday. Her PET scan came back with awesome results (it only showed cancer in her lung, not all over like I think the doctor thought). She's puny and stuff from the chemo. I know she'll be just fine though. This is just one mountain we have to climb, and we will and we'll all be just fine.
Moma cut and donated her hair last monday before she loses it... and then I cut and donated mine on Tuesday to support her. Here's a picture.....

Here's Moma's CaringBridge website if you guys want to check it out and maybe leave her a message that you dropped in...

That's all for now. I'll update soon! I promised Clint's moma Paula I would!

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