Thursday, May 15, 2008

For Real This Time

Hi there!
I'm actually going to update this thing now. I meant to last time, but got busy. Or forgot. Or some other really good excuse.

Anyway. I started my job in January. Been there just over 4 months. It's pretty cool. I save the world one poop plant at a time. It can't be bad if I am saving the world, ya know? Even if it is poop.

I moved out at the end of April. To an apartment with my pal Jaime in Smyrna-Vinings. It's kinda in between the two areas.

I am starting to like it more now. I was REALLY homesick the first 2 weeks or so. I am still pretty homesick, but it's getting better. I'll post some pictures sometime soon. It's weird being on my own and being by myself so often when I lived around 3 people in a not so quiet house all my life.

Anyway. I have to see if I can find my roomie (she's awol... maybe shopping?) and then see about some food. I am STARVING. Probably too hungry to cook. I think Taco Bell may be calling my name tonight.


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