Friday, November 28, 2008

Latest Stuff.

Well, since I last updated I got engaged, bought a wedding dress, and booked a wedding and honeymoon at Sandals Whitehouse in Jamaica ! :) Can't post a pic of the dress here b/c Clint might wander on to here and see it. I'll def. post pics after we get married though (April 27).

Also, we got good news about my Moma this week. Her cancer responded really well to the treatment and the tumor has shrank to 1.5 x 0.3 inches. Tiny! The doc said that it may just be scar tissue now. She will be on maintenance treatments of Avastin via IV every three weeks, probably for the rest of her life, but hey, She is ALIVE! Thank God! I spent lots of time with my parents the past few days and had a great time. I am so thankful that I have great parents that I get along with so well!

I start my new job at Lockheed Martin on Monday. I am so excited about it that I can't stand it! My daddy, and his brothers JR and James work there too. My cousin Dwight is in the background check stage of getting hired, and my cousin Brian is working on getting an interview! We're taking over! The funny part is me, daddy, jr and james all work in different departments doing different things, and the place is so HUGE, I am sure I won't see them too often (unless I try to, which I probably will). I'm really excited about working near all of them.

Anyway, that's it for now. :) Adios!