Monday, December 17, 2007


Hey Everyone!
I created this journal so I can keep up with and remember all the experiences and things I'm going to go through in the coming months, as I will be starting a new job on January 2nd. as an Environmental Specialist with the GA Dep't of Natural Resources - Environmental Protection Division- Watershed Protection Branch. :) That's a mouthful, huh?

Right now I work at a place called AppTec Laboratory. It's a microbiology lab and we test medical devices. Fun, huh? It's not a terrible job, just not where my interest lie. The position itself is a little stressful, so I am looking forward to my final day (Dec. 28).

I'll tell a little about myself before I go incase someone reading this doesn't know me.
I am 24, have a Bio. degree, live in Canton, GA, (with my parents... at least for the time being), have a great boyfriend (Clint), and yeah. That's about it.

I'll update again soon. :)

Ps... HERE is my FotoLog... I'll try to post a pic a day...